Pelco dx8100 manual Adding Presets to a Tour, Adding Preset to Tour

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Adding Presets to a Tour

To add presets to a tour:

1.Access the “Preset tour group” dialog box. For information about accessing the “Preset tour group” dialog box, refer to Accessing a Preset Tour Group on page 62.

2.Click the check box beside one of the presets you want to add to the tour.

3.Double-click in the Dwell Time field of a preset, and then increase or decrease the time (in seconds) at which the camera will remain during that sequence of the tour.

4.Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each additional preset you want to add to the tour.

5.Click Add to Group.

6.Click Save.

7.Click Exit to return to the main screen.




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Figure 34. Adding Preset to Tour

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Pelco dx8100 manual Adding Presets to a Tour, Adding Preset to Tour