Pelco dx8100 manual Setting UP TCP/IP and Bandwidth Throttle, Working with Multicasting, 9002 Yes

Models: dx8100

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Setting Up a Static IP Address

The DX8100 allows you to set up a static IP address. This information can be obtained from your network administrator.

Access the Network page to set up the static IP address. For information about accessing the Network page, refer to Setting Up DX8100 Network Access on page 168.

To set up a static IP address:

1.In the Network page, verify that the Obtain An IP Address Automatically (DHCP) check box is not selected.

2.In the IP Address box, enter a unique IP address (for example, The last three digits must be different for each recorder (for example, 171, 172, 173, and so forth).

3.In the Subnet Mask box, enter the subnet mask (for example, is the default).

4.In the Default Gateway box, enter the gateway address (the IP address of the default router on your immediate network segment).

5.Click Apply.


The DX8100 uses the TCP/IP networking protocol to communicate over LAN and WAN networks. TCP/IP uses logical network ports to organize data transmissions and to ensure that data packets are delivered to the proper application. For example, e-mail is traditionally delivered through TCP/IP port 25 and Web pages through port 80.

Table AP describes the ports assigned to direct video and control information into and out of the DX8100. You should keep port numbers set at their default values unless there is a known conflict with your existing network infrastructure. Consult your network administrator before changing any port information about the DX8100.

Table AP. TCP/IP Ports Used by the DX8100

Port Number

User Changeable







Base port for transmission of video, audio, and interface data



Software upgrades



Emergency agent notifications






Information port






Ping port




Access the Network page to set up the TCP/IP DHCP and bandwidth throttle options. For information about accessing the Network page, refer to Setting Up DX8100 Network Access on page 168. Consult your network administrator before assigning or changing port numbers. Make sure that the ports are not blocked internally but are protected from external threats by a firewall. Client and server ports must be identical.

To configure the base port and software upgrade port:

1.If necessary, in the DX8100 Base Port box, enter a new base port number (9002 is the default).

2.If necessary, in the Software Upgrade Port box, enter a new software upgrade port (9003 is the default).

3.If necessary, in the Information Port box, enter a new information port (9005 is the default).

4.To set the network bandwidth throttle to limit the amount of network resources allocated to client connections, drag the network bandwidth throttle slider to the desired value. (Client bandwidth can be adjusted from a minimum of 64 Kbps to a maximum of 10 Mbps in increments of 64 Kbps.)

5.Click Apply.


The DX8100 supports a layer 2 multicast feature that allows the multicast and unicast mode to co-exist. In this case, the DX8100 Web Client and DX8100 Client software can connect to a DX8100 server simultaneously. The recommended multicasting IP range is from to If the DX8100 server is not configured to operate in the multicast mode, then the DX8100 network automatically uses the unicast protocol.


C2630M-C (7/09)

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Pelco dx8100 Setting UP TCP/IP and Bandwidth Throttle, Working with Multicasting, Setting Up a Static IP Address, 9002 Yes