Pelco dx8100 manual Exporting a Sequence of Still Images, Still Image Export Formats

Models: dx8100

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Still image formats export the first frame of a bookmarked region, and then a single frame for each time interval until the number of images specified has been exported. For example, consider exporting a six-hour bookmarked region of video with an image count of 100 and a time interval of 3 seconds. The resulting export will include the first frame of the bookmarked region followed by 99 additional images taken at three second intervals. The first exported image will be the first frame of the bookmarked region and the last image will be the frame taken at

300 seconds into the bookmarked region.

To export a sequence of still images:

1.Select a still image format. Options are BMP, JPEG, and TIF.

2.Select the number of images (1-999) you want to save in the sequence.

3.Select the time interval between each saved image in the sequence. Options are as follows:


0.5 seconds

1 second

2 second

3 second

4 seconds

5 seconds


￿ ￿

Figure 71. Still Image Export Formats

C2630M-C (7/09)


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Pelco dx8100 manual Exporting a Sequence of Still Images, Still Image Export Formats