Pelco dx8100 manual Viewing System Health Status, Working with System Health Status View

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The system health feature allows you to view the health status and configure low and high operating thresholds for various system devices. If a threshold is exceeded, the system displays an alert notification. You can elect to open a subsequent event log, which provides a more detailed description about the event. The system devices are as follows:

CPU temperature

Fan speed

Power supply status

Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) for hard disk drive status

Network information

Uninterruptible power source (UPS) status when connected NOTE: The UPS area is reserved for future use.

An alert notification also appears on the remote client computer. For this to occur, the remote client must be connected to the server to receive the notification.


To access the System Health dialog box:

1. From the DX8100 menu bar, click View > System Health View.

Figure 78. System Health View Submenu

2. On the submenu, select Status View. The System Health dialog box opens.

Figure 79. System Health Dialog Box

3.To set a threshold for a device/function, do the following:

a.Click the box for the device/function.

b.Enter the value you want.

c.Click Apply.

d.Click Close to exit the dialog box.


C2630M-C (7/09)

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Pelco dx8100 manual Viewing System Health Status, Working with System Health Status View