Adding a Mnemonic
Click the Add button to add a mnemonic. The Add/Modify Mnemonics dialog box appears:
Enter the Mnemonic Name. You may use up to 20 alphanumeric characters, but no embedded spaces or special characters, such as + * / /, ? () “ ‘.
Enter the register address in this field. Follow the
Click OK to accept your changes.
Modifying a Mnemonic
Click on the Modify button to modify the selected mnemonic. The Add/Modify Mnemonics dialog box appears. The procedure is similar to adding a mnemonic. Make any necessary modifications to the mnemonic name or register address, then click OK.
Deleting a Mnemonic
Select a mnemonic from the Item Mnemonic Map list box and click the Delete button to remove it from the list.
Importing or Exporting Mnemonics
Click on one of these buttons to import or export a set of mnemonics. The Import Mnemonics button prompts you to select a
DDE Server User’s Guide | Chapter Six - Advanced Options • 75 |