Black Box GEH-6510 manual Device type device type name is not a valid type for topic

Models: GEH-6510

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The Waveform Client has passed an out-of-range value for the PML3720 waveform recorder depth parameter. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3.

The device type <device type name> is NOT a valid type for topic

The Server detected an unconfigured device type for a topic being created. Possible reasons are :

The <device type name> has been deleted from the device-type configuration file (GE32MODB.CFG). Reconfigure the device type that generated the error or, if you intend to remove all the devices of that particular type, go to device (topic) configuration and remove all the topics with this device type. NOTE: This applies to generic devices only.

GE32MODB.INI entry DocFile points to an incorrect device-type configuration file. Enter the correct path to the configuration file.

TIME-OUT <comm port> : <device name>

The Server timed out for a query to the slave device. This can happen under various conditions :

Topic configuration has the wrong port configured for the device.

The slave address configured for the topic is not correct.

The communication time-out value is set too low on the Server. Check the value set for ‘Communication time-out’ entry of the GE32MODB.INI file. Values less than 2000 milliseconds are not recommended.

The port configuration for the device does not match the port configuration at the Server. (Wrong baud rate, wrong stop bits, wrong number of bits, wrong parity, etc.)

The device and the Host PC are not connected properly. Check the RS- 485 network connections.

Excess noise on the RS-485 network. Devices may not be receiving Server query packets properly.

Some devices may require a certain idle time on the RS-485 network. If the Server’s protocol timer tick value is set too low, then such devices may give frequent time-out errors. For currently supported devices on Server version 6.0xxx, timer tick values less than 65 milliseconds are not recommended.

Unable to free topic (hLogDev = <logical device handle>)

Internal error for the Server. Please contact Customer Support according to the information in the GEH-6514 PMCS Read-This-Book-Firstfor Intouch and DEH-211 PMCS Read-This-Book-Firstfor Cimplicity guide.

Unable to open RMS data file for rewriting RMS data

The RMS data file has been deleted since the Server started. Restart the Server. The Server will create a new RMS data file during startup.

64 Chapter Five - Troubleshooting

DDE Server User’s Guide

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Black Box GEH-6510 manual Device type device type name is not a valid type for topic