can be changed on a device-by-device basis by altering the TimeDownLoad Period parameter for an individual device in the .ini file. The value should be entered in milliseconds. Note that increasing this value will free up processor time for the Server’s use, but may allow devices to slip out of sync with the Server’s clock. Decreasing this value causes the Server to spend more of its time synchronizing device clocks and leaves less time available to process client requests for data.
NOTE: A related value, the Time Download Start Addr, is used by the Server to address time-synchronization messages to devices. DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE. If this value is changed, the device will not be able to time sync with the DDE Server.
This setting allows users to close the DDE Server. It's default setting is Disable when PMCS DDE Server is installed as NT Service, and Enable when PMCS DDE Server is installed as a standard application.
This setting controls whether or not the DDE Server's user interface is visible to the user. It's default setting is Unhide (program visible to user).
Bear in mind that if you change parameters of the .ini file, such as increasing the Communication Time-out Factor, the Maximum Query Retries or the Dead Device Scan Interval, you will slow down your network performance. On the other hand, if you reduce these values, you may generate unnecessary time-outs or have devices declared dead when they are not actually off-line.
Please avoid changing any other parameters of the .ini file beyond those listed here, as doing so may adversely affect Server performance.
DDE Server User’s Guide | Chapter Six - Advanced Options • 79 |