4 Press or to select “Adjust Printer” then press .
S y s t e m S e t u p
A d j u s t P r i n t e r
5 Press or to select “Print Pattern A” then press Enter.
A d j u s t | P r i n t e r | A |
P r i n t | P a t t e r n |
Pattern A is printed.
After the pattern has printed, “Adj.Setting A1” is displayed.
6 Look at Pattern A1 and determine the number of the vertical line that is least conspicuous. Press or to display that number then press Enter.
A d j . S e t t i n g A 1 = 0
The selection is prefixed with an equals sign (=) to denote the current value of “A1”.
Sample: Conspicuous Vertical Line | Sample: Inconspicuous Vertical Line |
7 Repeat Step 6 for Pattern A2 to A5, and B1 to C5 adjustments.