TCarriage (Inside Upper Cover)

aCarriage cover

Protects the carriage. Open the carriage cover to install the printhead. (Æ Setup Guide)

bPrinthead lock cover

Holds the printhead in place. Open to install the printhead. (Æ Setup Guide)


Equipped with the nozzles that supply the inks for printing. This important part is not installed before shipping, so you must install it before you can use the printer. (Æ Setup Guide)

dPrinthead lock lever

This lever locks and holds the printhead lock cover in place. Open to install the printhead. (Æ Setup Guide)

ePrinthead height adjustment lever

Lever used to adjust the height of the printhead. For high quality printing, the lever position must be adjusted for the media in use. (Æ P.2-29)


Holds the printhead and moves it left and right across the paper during printing.

Printer Part Names 1-5