Notations About Text
To ensure the safe and most efficient use of this printer, important information is provided under the headings listed below. Before you use this guide, make sure that you understand what these headings mean and remember the important information described under these headings.
z Failure to follow these instructions could result in fatal or serious injury. Always remember and follow the guidelines and advice described under this heading to ensure your own safety and the safety of other people working around the printer.
z Failure to follow these instructions could lead to mistakes in the use of printer and result in minor injury or serious damage to the printer. Always remember and follow the guidelines and advice described under this heading to ensure safe use of the printer.
zInstructions and guidelines for operation of the printer provided under this heading describe restrictions and other important information which if ignored could cause minor damage to the printer or other equipment or result in the loss of valuable data. Always remember and follow the guidelines and advice under this heading to avoid mistakes in procedure.
z Information under this heading includes tips and hints that will help you avoid minor problems and use the printer more efficiently.