Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Log Windows
•Messages appear in alphabetical order
•Angle brackets (<>) indicate items that are replaced by appropriate information when the message appears. Italic text describes these items.
•Severity indicates the severity of the message:
Table | Log Messages |
Message Name |
| Description that Appears in Log File | Explanation | Severity |
| |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | Access authentication to <web server, | An attempt to log in or authenticate to | 3 | |
| streaming server, or SSH server> by | the IP camera failed. |
| user <user> <IP address or |
| hostname> failed. |
| |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | Access authentication to <server type> | The IP camera was unable to access an | 4 | |
| server <server IP address or | SNTP, Syslog, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, or |
| hostname> failed. | 802.1x server. |
| |
AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | Unauthorized address <IP address or | An attempt was made to access the IP | 3 | |
| hostname> attempted to access camera. | camera by using invalid user |
| credentials for from an IP address that |
| has been configured for no access. |
| Connection to Codec/Sensor module | The IP camera codec/sensor module is | 4 |
| was lost. Internal module is either down | not responding. |
| or not responding. |
| |
CONFIG_SAVE_FAILED | Saving configuration to user <user> | A user attempt to save the IP camera | 3 | |
| <IP address or hostname> failed. | configuration failed. |
| |
CONFIG_SAVED | Configuration saved by user <user> | The IP camera configuration was saved | 5 | |
| <IP address or hostname>. | by a user. |
| |
CONFIG_UPLOAD_FAILED | Uploading configuration failed from | A user attempt to import the IP camera | 3 | |
| user <user> <IP address or hostname>. | configuration failed. |
| |
CONFIG_UPLOADED | Configuration uploaded from user | The IP camera configuration was | 5 | |
| <user> <IP address or hostname>. | imported by a user. |
| |
DEFAULTS_FAILED | Restoring factory defaults failed for | An attempt to reset the IP camera to its | 3 | |
| user <user> <IP address or hostname>. | factory default configuration failed. |
| Cisco Video Surveillance 4300 and 4500 |
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