Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera

Log Windows

Password Complexity Window

IP camera administrator and user passwords must always meet the requirements that are described in the “User Settings Window” section on page 3-28. The Password Complexity window provides options for configuring additional requirements for the IP camera passwords.

To display the Password Complexity window, access the configuration windows as described in the “Performing the Initial Setup of the IP Camera” section on page 2-5, click Administration, then click Password Complexity.

Table 3-22describes the options in the Password Complexity window.

Table 3-22 Password Complexity Window Options





Password must contain

Password must contain characters from at least 3 of these categories:

at least three of the

Lower case letters (a through z)

following: lower case

Upper case letters (A through Z)

letters, upper case

letters, digits, and

Digits (0 through 9)

special characters

Special characters (: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { } ~)




Password cannot

Administrator password cannot include any character that occurs 3 or more

include any character

times in a row.

that occurs three or


more times






Password cannot be a

Password cannot be the same as the user name either forward of reversed

repeat or reverse of the


user name




Log Windows

The Log windows let you set up and view the IP camera log file, which captures information about the IP camera and its activities.

The IP camera stores the log file in its internal SDRAM. If the SDRAM becomes full, the IP camera begins to overwrite existing information. To avoid losing log information, you can configure the IP camera to send log information to a Syslog server.

The following sections describe the Log windows in detail:

Log Setup Settings Window, page 3-33

Local Log Window, page 3-35

Log Setup Settings Window

The Log Setup Settings window provides options for configuring the log file and an optional syslog server on which to store log files.

To display the Log Setup Settings window, access the configuration windows as described in the “Performing the Initial Setup of the IP Camera” section on page 2-5, click Log, then click Setup.



Cisco Video Surveillance 4300 and 4500 High-Definition IP Cameras User Guide
















Page 57
Image 57
Cisco Systems 4300 manual Log Windows, Password Complexity Window, Log Setup Settings Window