Chapter 1 Product Overview

Functional Overview

Rack-Mount and Cable-Management Kit

The rack-mount and cable-management kit for Cisco uBR7100 series routers consists of rack-mount brackets and a cable-management bracket that are designed for mounting your router in 19-inch, four-post or telco-type equipment racks. The kit is shipped with each Cisco uBR7100 series router and is also available as a single FRU.

Note Rubber feet for tabletop installation are included in the accessory kit that shipped with your router. Hardware for mounting the router in a 23- or 24-inch rack is available separately. The product number for this kit is ACS-7100-RMK=.

For detailed instructions about how to install the rack-mount and cable-management brackets on your Cisco uBR7100 series router, see the “Attaching the Cable-Management Bracket” section on page 3-7.

Functional Overview

The following sections provide a functional overview of Cisco uBR7100 series routers to help you become familiar with the capabilities of the router:

Chassis Slot and Logical Interface Numbering, page 1-11

Online Insertion and Removal, page 1-14

Peripheral Component Interconnect Buses, page 1-14

Network Processor Card, page 1-15

System LEDs and Reset Button, page 1-18

Chassis Slot and Logical Interface Numbering

In Cisco uBR7100 series routers, the slot number is the location in the chassis where the interface resides and the port number is the physical port associated with that slot. Cisco uBR7100 series router slots are numbered 0 through 5. Interfaces in the Cisco IOS software are identified by a type, slot number, and port number. The number of physical ports depends on the type of modular port adapter or fixed interface. For example, Fast Ethernet 0/1 indicates port 1 on the fixed LAN interface in slot 0.

Slots in the Cisco uBR7100 series are numbered as follows:

Slot 0—Fixed LAN (Fast Ethernet) interface

Slot 1—Fixed RF interface

Slot 3—Modular port adapter

Note Slots 2, 4, and 5 are not used on the Cisco uBR7100 series router.

Figure 1-5illustrates the slot placement on Cisco uBR7114 and Cisco uBR7114E routers. The placement on the Cisco uBR7111 and Cisco uBR7111E routers is identical.

Cisco uBR7100 Series and Cisco uBR7100E Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide







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Cisco Systems UBR7100E manual Functional Overview, Rack-Mount and Cable-Management Kit