Advanced Features

Customizing Surround Modes

Custom Surround modes may be defined in the Customize Modes menu. Each Surround mode has attributes which may be changed by the user, such as low- and high-frequency response, and the relative volume level of the center channel, subwoofer, and surround channels with respect to the “main,” or front left and right, channels.

This menu allows you to quickly and easily modify any of the 5.0’s Surround modes for optimum performance in your listening environment.

Depending on the program source which was last selected, different choices will be presented when you are in the Customize Surround Mode menu. Choices appropriate for analog sources will appear if the last source watched or listened to was analog; choices more suitable for digital sources will appear if the last chosen source was digital and a digital Surround mode (e.g., Dolby Digital or DTS) was used.

The same general format and procedure is followed in both cases, however:

After choosing which button on the remote control you wish to have select a customized Surround mode, select the mode to associate with that button and then the particular attribute(s) of that mode to be changed. The last step is to select the value for that attribute(s) from among the choices offered.

Because there are seven buttons and many Surround modes, a half-dozen or so attributes associated with each mode, and several choices for each attribute to be set to, there is a very large number of ways you can customize the 5.0!

Customizing Analog Sources

To customize an analog Surround mode, select any analog program source, and then press the Menu button ú. When Main Menu appears, press the Û Menu Control button two times to highlight the Customize Modes line, and then press the Ý Menu Control button to select this menu (Figure OSD-29).

C u s t o m i z e S u r r o u n d

M o d e

< Ð M a i n M e n u < Ð



M o d e B u t t o n

C u s t 1

M o d e T y p e

R o c k


S t a t u s


B a s s E Q

0 d B


F i l t e r s

S h e l f

S u r r o u n d L e v e l + 0 0


C e n t e r L e v e l

+ 0 0


S u r r o u n d D e l a y 0 0 m S e c

P a n o r a m a



Figure OSD-29

One push of the Û Menu Control button will highlight the Mode Button line. Pressing the

ÝMenu Control button now will cycle through the names of the remote control buttons which directly select Surround modes; Party, Stereo, and 6-Axis, Dolby Â, and Cust 1, Cust 2 and Cust 3 Æ. Cust 1, Cust 2, Cust 3 and Party can be customized, as indicated on the third line down, which reads DEFAULT for these choices before any changes have been made, changing to MODIFIED when any changes have been made, and NON EDIT for 6-Axisand Dolby. These modes cannot be modified when directly selected by the Dolby  and 6-Axis buttons, but are presented so that you may see the settings they represent.

Advanced Features


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Image 55
Citation Stereo Receiver owner manual Advanced Features, Customizing Surround Modes