When this adjustment is completed, press the Û Menu Control button



once so that Input



Balance is highlighted. By pressing the Ü or Ý Menu Control buttons


, you may select Auto,


or enter a manual offset from a balanced center position (+00dB). Normally, no adjustment should be needed, but if a source always seems to favor one channel or the other, the imbalance may be corrected on this line.

If you have selected a digital audio input, the 5.0 will not display either the Input Level or Input Balance choices, as they are not applicable to digital sources. Instead, the next menu item after Audio Input will be Auto Detect, with choices of OFF or ON (Figure OSD-9).

P r o g r a m s S e t u p

< Ð M a i n M e n u < Ð


P r o g r a m


N a m e

L D d i g i t a

A u d i o I n p u t

D 7

( A u t o D e t e c t

O N )

V i d e o I n p u t

C O M P Ð 1

O S D D i s p l a y


T r i g g e r s O n


Figure OSD-9


When the factory defalut of (Auto Detect ON) is in place, the 5.0 will automatically test an incoming digital signal to determine which type of decoding should be applied, such as Dolby Digital, PCM or DTS (when the DTS module is installed).

To “force” a certain method of processing to be tried on an incoming signal, press the Ü or Ý Menu Control button so that the choice moves to OFF. In this position, the 5.0 will always try the default-selected digital mode first. If that mode is not appropriate to the incoming signal, it will then change to the correct mode.

Whether the audio input was analog or digital, the next menu choice is the selection of the program’s video source.

By pressing the Û Menu Control button again, Video Input is highlighted. Any of 6 composite video sources or 2 S-video sources may be selected to associate with the program being customized. Two other choices are NONE and OFF. Choosing NONE creates a purely audio program (e.g., CD, Tape). If NONE is selected, and a video monitor is in use, a blue background will be generated for the video display. The OFF setting sends NO signal to any connected video display device, preventing those video projectors whose power is controlled by the presence of an input signal to remain “off”.

Note: Choosing OFF selects no video input, and also disables the on-screen display; it will be necessary to use the front panel display until the on-screen is reactivated by selecting any video source choice but OFF.

After selecting the video input for the program, the next choice to be made is whether the on- screen display will be active when this program is selected. Use the Û Menu Control button to highlight the words OSD Display and use either the Ü or Ý Menu Control button to select ON or OFF.

Please note that, as in the selection of a video source in the preceding step, selecting OFF will cause the on-screen display to blank, and you will have to refer to the front panel display to continue. Or, if no other menu control buttons have been pressed, simply depress either the Ü or Ý Menu Control button once; the on-screen display will reappear.

System Configuration


Page 39
Image 39
Citation Stereo Receiver owner manual Figure OSD-9