Table 6–21 Router Partition States
State Meaning
BLOCKED Key range is recovering or awaiting journal access
ACTIVE Primary server is ready to accept transactions
CATCHUP Secondary server is catching up with primary
TAKEOVR Standby take-over is in progress
LAGGING Secondary is ready, primary is still recovering
Displays information about backend partitions; it shows the partition state and
low and high bounds. /BACKEND with /FULL provides more detailed information
for a partition, giving the current queue depth (transactions active) on a partition.
This is useful for determining whether a server is processing transactions
Last Rcvy BE:
shows from which node recovery information may be
Txns Rcvrd:
shows the number of transactions actually recovered.
The default is to output brief router and backend information.
Brief output gives a one line listing of each partition in the system, showing the
partition name, the facility in which it resides, and the partition state. Since
space on the line is limited, partition names my be truncated to fit.
Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.
If neither
is specified then the command is executed on the
nodes specified by the latest
command. If no
command has been entered then the command is executed only on the node where
the command was issued.
Note: In environments that do not support clustering, use of the /CLUSTER
qualifier will cause the relevant command to be executed on the local node only.
Specifies the facility name for which information should be displayed.
By default, information is displayed for all Facilities.
Gives a detailed listing of server partition information.
The following items are displayed:
Key segment low and high bounds
Counts of the active and free servers bound to the partition
Counts of the active and recovered transactions for the partition
RTR Command Line Interface 6–153