

Specifies the name of the facility for which the channel is declared. An application must specify the facility name when using the RTR CLI. The default facility name is RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY.


Valid for client channels only. This indicates that the global coordinating Transaction Manager (TM) is a Foreign TM (denoted as FTM), and that all TXs on this channel will be coordinated by the FTM. If this qualifier is set, then calls to rtr_start_tx on this channel must supply a value for the jointxid parameter, which is the TXID of the TX.

A TM identifier can also be passed in as parameter. It must be in the range of 0 to 65535. Default value is 0.

It is recommended that operators or script programs using nested transactions specify a TM identifier, particularly if more than one process opens RTR client channels using the same FTM on the one node, or if different types of FTMs are used on the same node. When a process that has open FTM client channels fails, then the FTM must be able to find out from RTR what state the transactions are in that were active in that process. Thus the FTM must be able to identify itself to RTR in order that RTR can find out what transactions were active for that FTM channel. Generally, FTM client channels opened in the same process (and for the same FTM) can have a common TM identifier, but FTM client channels opened in separate processes should have different TM identifiers.

Calling CALL RTR_OPEN_CHANNEL with the FOREIGN_TM qualifier specified will cause a local journal scan to occur if a journal has not already been opened on that node.


/HIGH_BOUND=max-val-for-key-type (D)

Specifies the upper bound of the key range that the server handles. The interpretation of high-bounddepends on the key type. If the key is of type string then it is interpreted as text, otherwise it is interpreted as a numeric value. The default for high-boundis the largest possible value that can fit in the specified key type.

If the key bound value length is less than the key length (given in /LENGTH_OF_ FIELD), the key bound will automatically be null-padded to the required length.


Specifies a partition key segment. Up to eight key segments may be defined for a partition (KEY1, KEY2,... up to KEY8).

The syntax of the KEYn qualifier is:

/KEYn= (type_of_key=[signedunsignedstring], - length_of_key=nnnn, - offset_of_key=nnnn, - low_bound=low-bound-string, - high_bound=high_bound_string)

type_of_key= Specifies the field type of the key. The key-typemust be one of unsigned, signed or string. The default is unsigned.

6–18RTR Command Line Interface

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Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE manual FACILITYNAME=facility-name, Facility=Rtr$Defaultfacility D, KEYn=keysegdesc