Remote node autoisolation may be enabled (at the isolator) where it applies to all links using SET NODE/AUTOISOLATE, or for specific links only with the SET LINK/AUTOISOLATE command. An isolated node (isolatee) remains isolated until you carry out both of the following actions:

Enable the link to the isolated node on all nodes that have isolated it, that is set link [isolated-node]/enable

Exit the isolated state on the isolated node, that is set node/noisolate

Autoisolation is disabled (at the isolator) using the /NOAUTOISOLATE qualifier.


/CHECKSUM specifies that checksum calculations for data packets over network links are performed. This qualifier is by default set to /NOCHECKSUM.

This command is useful for diagnosing errors over network links. To see the checksum state, use the SHOW LINK/STATE command.



/ENABLE specifies that connect attempts are honoured from the node specified by link-name.

This command is used to enable a link which is in a disabled state. A link can be disabled either as a result of operator action, or automatically if it has been suspected of causing severe congestion. If a link is automatically disabled, an entry is made in the RTR error log.

/DISABLE specifies that connect attempts are no longer honoured from the node link-name. Note that disabling the link does not have any immediate effect on an established link. It only takes effect when new connection attempts are made.


Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified then the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered then the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.

Note: In environments that do not support clustering, use of the /CLUSTER qualifier will cause the relevant command to be executed on the local node only.


/INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT[=secs] specifies the maximum elapsed time in seconds before RTR discards a link that is neither receiving traffic nor responding to explicit link state queries. Link failover occurs between the adjustable environmental timer parameters RTR_TIMEOUT_CONNECT, default of 60 seconds, and RTR_TIMEOUT_CONNECT_RELAX, default of 90 seconds, on a network link or remote node. When there is a failure RTR detects it within the timer parameters stipulated and disconnects and retries the link according to the router preferences for a frontend. If a router fails to respond to the reconnect tries there will be a time lapse of RTR_TIMEOUT_CONNECT plus RTR_TIMEOUT_CONNECT_RELAX for the link failover to occur.

RTR Command Line Interface 6–113

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Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE manual Enable Disable