About This Guide
Text Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
•Italic type is used for complete titles of published guides or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output, in command lines, and in command parameters in text.
•Bold type is used for emphasis, for onscreen interface components (window titles, menu names and selections, button and icon names, and so on), and for keyboard keys.
•Monospace typeface is used for command lines, code examples, screen displays, error messages, and user input.
•Sans serif typeface is used for uniform resource locators (URLs).
Related Documents
For additional information on the topics covered in this guide, refer to the following documentation:
•StorageWorks by Compaq Modular SAN Array 1000 User Guide, part number 230941
•StorageWorks by Compaq Modular SAN Array 1000 Installation Overview, part number 230935
Getting Help
If you have a problem and have exhausted the information in this guide, you can get further information and other help in the following locations.
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