38Cyclades PM IPDU Installer/Administrator/User Guide
To view the current load of segment B, enter the following.
pm>currseg B
IPDU #1: True RMS current for segment B: 2.5A. Maximum current for
segment B: 2.
To reset the maximum recorded current for A and B, enter the following.
pm>currseg reset
IPDU #1: Clearing maximum recorded current for segment A and B to zero.
The cycle command power cycles an outlet or groups of outlets. You may use the outlet number or the outlet name (see command name for details).
cycle all<outlet_string>
all Cycles all outlets in the PM IPDU or PM IPDU daisy chain
<outlet_string> Outlet number, such as “5”, outlet name such as “sunfire”, or group of outlets such as “1,
To cycle one outlet, enter the following.
pm> cycle 3
3:Outlet turned off.
3:Outlet turned on.