38 Cyclades PM IPDU Installer/Administrator/User Guide
To view the current load of segment B, enter the following.
To reset the maximum recorded current for A and B, enter the following.
The cycle command power cycles an outlet or groups of outlets. You may use the outlet number or
the outlet name (see command name for details).
cycle all|<outlet_string>
all Cycles all outlets in the PM IPDU or PM IPDU daisy chain
<outlet_string> Outlet number, such as “5”, outlet name such as “sunfire”, or group of
outlets such as “1, 3-5”
To cycle one outlet, enter the following.
pm>currseg B
IPDU #1: True RMS current for segment B: 2.5A. Maximum current for
segment B: 2.
pm>currseg reset
IPDU #1: Clearing maximum recorded current for segment A and B to
pm> cycle 3
3: Outlet turned off.
3: Outlet turned on.