34Cyclades PM IPDU Installer/Administrator/User Guide
The alarm command sets and reads the current threshold. This command is available to the admin user only.
alarm [<IPDU#><IPDU_ID>] <threshold>
<IPDU#> IPDU number in a daisy chain
<IPDU_ID> Identification string previously set by the id command.
<threshold> The current threshold is the maximum allowed current on the power strip
no argument Displays alarm status of all PM IPDUs in the daisy chain
To set the threshold, enter the following.
pm>alarm 1 5.6
Setting alarm threshold on IPDU #1 to 5.6A pm>alarm 2 7.8
Setting alarm threshold on IPDU #2 to 7.8A
To read the threshold, enter the following.
Alarm threshold on IPDU #1 is 5.6A
Alarm threshold on IPDU #2 is 7.8A
The assign command assigns an outlet to a given user. The user is then be able to manage such outlets. This command is available to the admin user only.
assign <outlet_number> <user>
<outlet_number> Outlet number, such as “5”, outlet name such as “sunfire”, or group of outlets such as “1,
<user> Desired username