Chapter 2: Installation 21
Figure 2.5: Connecting a Local Work Station to the Cyclades PM IPDU
To access the console:
Perform the following steps to connect a computer to the console port of the PM IPDU. This
procedure assumes that you know how to use a terminal emulation program.
On a PC, ensure that HyperTerminal or another terminal emulation program is installed on the
Windows operating system. On a computer running a UNIX-based operating system, such as
Solaris or Linux, make sure that a compatible terminal emulator, such as Kermit or Minicom,
is installed.
1. Connect an RJ-45 serial cable to the IN port on the PM IPDU.
2. Connect the other end of the RJ-45 serial cable to the RJ-45 to DB-9F straight through adaptor
shipped with the PM IPDU.
3. Connect the adaptor to a DB-9 serial port on a computer.
4. You may need to use a USB serial adaptor in order to connect to the computer.
5. Using a terminal emulation program installed on a computer, start a session. The terminal
should be set to ANSI emulation, 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1stop bit and no flow control.
IN Port
RJ-45 to
Cyclades PM IPDU