| Daylight Saving | Use this |
| Time State |
| Daylight Saving | Use this |
| Time Offset in | offset - 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. |
| Minutes |
| Time Zone Offset | Use these |
| from GMT in +/- | Mean Time (GMT.) |
| HH:MM |
DST Repeating Settings - Using repeating mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Repeating mode requires that the DST beginning and ending date be specified using a formula. For example, specify to begin DST on Saturday during the second week of April and end DST on Sunday during the last week of October.
From Which Week | Enter the week of the month that DST will start. |
of the month |
From Which Day of | Enter the day of the week that DST will start on. |
the Week |
From Which Month | Enter the month DST will start on. |
From What Time | Enter the time of day that DST will start on. |
To Which Week | Enter the week of the month the DST will end. |
To Which Day | Enter the day of the week that DST will end. |
To Which Month | Enter the month that DST will end. |
To What Time HH | Enter the time DST will end. |
MM |
DST Annual Settings - Using annual mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Annual mode requires that the DST beginning and ending date be specified concisely. For example, specify to begin DST on April 3 and end DST on October 14.
From What Month | Enter the month DST will start on, each year. |
From What Date | Enter the day of the week DST will start on, each year. |
From What Time | Enter the time of day DST will start on, each year. |
To What Month | Enter the month DST will end on, each year. |
To What Date | Enter the day of the week DST will end on, each year. |
To What Time | Enter the time of day that DST will end on, each year. |
Click Apply to implement changes made to the Time Zone and DST Settings window.