Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Revision May, 2010 3-129 Pipe(6)/Pipe(7)
Property Description of Pipe (6) / Pipe (7) Element
Horizontal and vertical pipes. It is used to display the direction of water flow.
Read Address
The address can be internal memory or
the controller address.
(Please refer to Table 3-8-2 Property Description of General
The user can decide if the read address is set or not. If the read
address is set, the mobile cursor will display and move, just like
the water flowing through the pipe. For example, suppose that
the internal memory address of HMI is $0, when $0 is 1, and the
mobile cursor color is set, the direction of water flow is from
right to the left; when $0 is 2, the direction of water flow is from
left to the right. When
$0 is set to other value than 1 and 2, the
water will not flow. In the same way, when the user select Pipe (7)
element, for example, suppose that the internal memory address
of HMI is $1, when $1 is 1, the direction of water flow is from
bottom to the top; when $1 is 2, the direction of water flow is
from top to the bottom. When $1 is set to other value than 1 and
2, the water will not flow.
Mobile Cursor Color
When there is any data occurred in the read address, the mobile
cursor will
display and move, just like the water flowing through
the pipe. The user can use this option to set the mobile cursor
Pipe Gauge
Use this option to set the pipe gauge. The selectable range is
from 1 ~ 5. The setting value 1 represents at least 13 pixels and
the setting value 2 represents at least 26 pixels and vise versa.
X Used to set X coordinate
Y Used to set Y coordinate