Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Clearing History Buffer Status Flag When clearing the history buffer, the clearing history buffer status flag will be set to
be ON (Bits 0 to 11 is set to ON). After the clearing operation is completed, the
clearing history buffer status flag will be OFF.
Recipe Status Register (RESR)
Bit Binary Display of Relative
Position (x) Function
0 0000 0000 0000 000x Change Status of Recipe Number
1 0000 0000 0000 00x0 Recipe Read Status (PLC → HMI)
2 0000 0000 0000 0x00 Recipe Write Status (PLC ← HMI)
3 0000 0000 0000 x000 Change Status of Recipe Group Number
4~7 0000 0000 xxxx 0000 Reserved
8~15 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000 Designate Status of Recipe Group Number
Change Status of Recipe Number When the recipe number is changed, this flag is turned ON. After the recipe number is
changed and the value of RCPNO is updated, this flag is turned OFF.
Recipe Read Status When HMI reads one number of recipe data from PLC, this flag is turned ON. After read
operation is completed and the recipe data is stored in HMI, this flag is turned OFF.
Recipe Write Status When HMI sends one number of recipe data to PLC, th is flag is turned ON. After write
operation is completed and the recipe data is written into PLC, this flag is turned OFF.
Change Status of Recipe Group Number
When the recipe group number is changed, this flag is turned ON. After the recipe
group number is changed and the value of RCPG is updated, this flag is turned OFF.
Designate Status of Recipe Group Number
No matter the value of RCPG is designated by PLC or HMI, when the designated recipe
group number is changed, this flag is turned ON so that the system can echo back the
updated recipe group number to the Designate Recipe Group Number Register.
Recipe Number Status Register (RBSR)
No matter the value of RCPNO is designated by PLC or HMI, when the designated recipe
number is changed, this flag is turned ON so that the system can feedback the updated
recipe group number to the Designate Recipe Number Register.
3-40 Revision May, 2010