Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Please refer to the following Comparison command table for the command of
If the value in $2 is equal to 10, it will call sub-macro 1 and perform the program.
Equation Explanation Remark
Var1 == Var2 Var1 is equal to Var2
Var1 != Var2 Var1 is not equal to Var2
Var1 > Var2 Var1 is greater than Var2
Var1 >= Var2 Var1is equal to or greater than Var2
Var1 < Var2 Var1 is smaller than Var2
Var1<= Var2 Var1 is equal to or smaller than Var2
Var1 && Var2 == 0
Perform AND command on V1 and V2
and the result of AND operation is
equal to 0.
Var1 && Var2 != 0
Perform AND command on V1 and V2
and the result of AND operation is not
equal to 0.
Var1 and Var2 can be
internal memory or
Var1== ON Var1 is ON
Var1== OFF Var1 is OFF
Var1 can be the
controller address or
internal memory (BIT)。
Table 3-14-3 Comparison command table
Revision May, 2010 3-345