Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
COM Port tab in Configuration option
Baud Rate
Communication baud rate. There are 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 and 115200 these options. The users can enter the setting
value directly also but the maximum. setting value can not exceed
Parity There are three options: None, Odd and Even.
1. Choose Ethernet and the user can set the Ethernet setting.
2. If Overwrite IP function is enabled, HMI will update the Ethernet
setting after the screen data is download.
3. If Obtain IP address automatically box is checked, HMI will get the
IP address automatically. But before enabling this function,
ensure that DHCP server is connected.
4. If Obtain IP address automatically box is not checked, the user
must set Ethernet setting, i.e. HMI IP address, Subnet Mask,
Gateway IP, etc. manually.
Click the node under Etherent option and the communication
parameter setting will display. Each external controller, i.e. PLC has
its own communication parameter setting.
Revision May, 2010 3-231