Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
$0 = 10
$1 = 1
CALL 1($0 = 0)
Fig. 3-14-9 Execution process of Screen Open Macro
When CALL 1 is executed, it means that Sub-Macro 1 is called and executed. After
executing Sub-Macro, the system will continue to execute Sceen Open Macro till it ends.
At this time, 0 = 0 and $1 = 1.
When editing any macros, please pay close attention to the logicality of macro command,
especially the usage of loop and program. If the user write an infinite loop (i.e. pro
ram cannot
be ended) in the macro or write a program which will not be executed until some certain
condition is satisfied, it may make HMI work abnormally. Therefore, it is recommended that the
user should use simulation function to ve rify the macro and check if HMI operation is correct or
not after macro editing is completed.
3-288 Revision May, 2010