Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens Screen Open Macro
The user can use Screen Open Macro to open each screen. Each screen has a Screen
Open Macro. Screen Open Macro will only be executed ONCE when the user open a
screen or switch to a new screen. The screen elements will be displayed and executed
after finishing executing Screen Open Macro.
Open a New Screen
Screen Open Macro
After Screen Open Macro
is executed.
Perform other ations on
the screen
Open a screen or
switch to a new
screen Screen Close Macro
The user can use Screen Close Macro to close each screen. Each screen has a Screen
Close Macro. Screen Close Macro will only be executed ONCE when the user close a
screen or switch to a new screen. The same as Screen Open Macro, the screen elements
on new screen will be displayed and executed after finishing executing Screen Close
Close the screen
Screen Close
Open a New Screen
After Screen Close
Macro is executed
Perform other ations on
the screen
Screen O
en Macro
After Screen Open
Macro is executed Open a screen or
switch to a new
3-282 Revision May, 2010