Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
3-138 Revision May, 2010
Property Description of Numeric Display Element
Date Length There are 16bits Word and 32bits Double Word
two options.
Data Format
There are following data format provided:
1. BCD
2. Signed BCD
3. Signed Decimal
4. Unsigned Decimal
5. Hex
6. Binary
Double Word
1. BCD
2. Signed BCD
3. Signed Decimal
4. Unsigned Decimal
5. Hex
6. Binary
7. Floating
Integral Digits
Fractional Digits
Use this option to determine the digit number of
integer and decimal fraction. The digit number
(Fractional Digits) here is not a real decimal
value. It is only the display format. The digit
number will be a real decimal only when the data
format is selected as “Floating”.
Gain (a)
Offset (b)
Round off
The user can use y = (a) x (read address value) +
(b) this equation to determine the display
numeric value (y). For example, if Gain value (a)
is 2 and Offset value (b) is 3, when the read
address value is 3, then the display numeric
value will be equal to (2) x 3 + (3) = 9.
If Gain and Offset value is a decimal, please set
the data format as “Floating”.
If Round off option is selected, after the
operation of the equation above, all numeric
values can be rounded off and display on the