Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Revision May, 2010 3-183 Historical Event Table
Property Description of Historical Event Table Elements
Property Description of Historical Event Table Element
Text Size
Text Color
The user can set the text, text size, font and text color provided by
Windows® to determine the text display on the element (Please refer
to Table 3-8-2 Property Description of General Buttons.)
It will show the input history message of every state. HMI system will
list all input history messages in the event table. If there is no input
history message, “?” will display.
Border Color
The below element background color is set to light yellow and its
border color is set to black.
Word It can have 256 states.
Data Length LSB It can have 16 states.
Data Format
This option can be set only when the data length is selected as Word.
It provides BCD, Signed Decimal, Unsigned Decimal and Hex four
kinds of data format to define the read memory content.
It is used to set the state numbers of historical event table element.
If the data length of the value is in Word, 1~256 states can be set. If
the data length of the value is in LSB, 16 states can be set. If the data
length of the value is in Bit, only 2 states can be set.