Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Printer Flag When this flag is turned ON, the current display (Hard Copy) or the editing screen can
be printed out. When this flag is turned OFF, the printer function is disabled.
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D7 is set to 256 or set $22.8 to 1, HMI will
perform printing function. When D7 = 256, it indicates that Bit 8 of D7 is 1(0000 0001
0000 0000).
Printer Form Feed Flag When this flag is turned ON, the printer will retract the paper and align the paper for
the next run automatically. When this flag is set to OFF, the printer form feed function
is disabled.
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D7 is set to 512 or set $22.9 to 1, HMI will retract
the paper and align the paper for the next run automatically. When D7 = 512, it
indicates that Bit 9 of D7 is 1(0000 0010 0000 0000).
3.4.2 Status Block
The status block is the way a PLC is used to get feedback from the HMI. Through the settings
set in the registers, the controller which is connected to HMI can know HMI internal operat ion,
i.e. screen switch, backlight on and off, current priority, curve sampling data and clear flag,
etc. information. The status block consists of 8 continuous words and this cannot be changed
(Fig. 3-4-2) When the user set the address in Status Block, PLC can read the status of DOP-B
series HMI. Please note that when the function Control Block is disabled, the function of
Status Block is disabled as well. In addition, ensure that the addresses of Control Block and
Start Block must be different.
The function and explanation of each WORD is listed as Table 3-4-2 below. In the following
table, in the following example 1 we assume that the user uses a Delta PLC, so the available
starting addresses in status block are Dm ~ Dm+7 (D10 ~ D17). In the following example 2,
we assume that the user uses HMI internal register $, so the available starting address in
control block is$m ~ $m+7 ($25 ~ $32). The user can choose if the status block designations
are stored in PLC or HMI.
Example 1
(PLC register)
Example 2
(HMI register)
Word Control Register
Example Address
0 General Control Status Register (GCSR) Dm D10 $m $25
1 Screen Number Status Register (SNSR) Dm+1
D11 $m+1
2 Curve Control Status Register (CCSR) Dm+2
D12 $m+2
3 Sampling History Buffer Status Register (HSSR)
D13 $m+3
4 Clearing History Buffer Status Register (HCSR)
D14 $m+4
5 Recipe Status Register (RESR) Dm+5
D15 $m+5
6 Recipe Number Status Register (RBSR) Dm+6
D16 $m+6
3-36 Revision May, 2010