Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Macro Name Descriptions
Background Macro
The purpose of the Background Macro is to execute one or more
commands simultaneously since it runs in a separate task. If another
Macro is executed, such as the Cycle Macro, it will not have any
influence on the Background Macro although they appear to be
executed almost simultaneously. This type of macro does not
require to be run in a loop since it will operate continuously.
Clock Macro
The Clock Macro will be executed continuously, finish the executed
ONCE, and then will be executed again at the Clock cycle time set in
the Standard tab of the Configuration window under Options. This
type of macro is similar to a Cycle Macro therefore, writing long
macros is not recommended and should be avoided.
There are 512 sub-macros for editing that can be used to write
repeated actions or functions to save macro editing time. To call a
sub-macro simply, use a CALL command from within a macro; an
example would be CALL 1 to call the first sub-macro.
Revision May, 2010 3-277