Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Multi-language Setting V alue Bits 0 to 7 save the designated multi-language setting values (Fig. 3-4-7). These
setting values control HMI to switch to the specified language (For more details on
multi-language settings, please refer to section 3.10).
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1 and Fig. 3-4-7), if language setting value 1 is Chinese,
and D7 or $22.0 is set to 1, all the text in HMI will change to the text in Chinese. When
D7 =1, it indicates that Bit 0 of D7 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0001).
For more detailed settings, please refer to the following descriptions.
How to designate the multi-language:
D7 = 1(0000 0000 0000 0001)
High Byte
(Other control flags relevant to System
0000 0000
Low Byte
(Multi-language Setting Value Register)
0000 0001
If dividing D7 into high byte and low byte, it is easily to see that low byte determines
the multi-language setting value (regardless of high byte). When the low byte setting is
set to 0000 0001, it indicates that the multi-language setting value is 1, i.e. the
language setting is Chinese. If the low byte setting is changed to 0000 0011, it
indicates that the multi-language setting value is 2, i.e. the language sett ing is
Japanese. Please note that the range of multi-language setting value is from 0 to 255.
Fig. 3-4-7 Multi-language Settings
Revision May, 2010 3-35