Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
settings, the RCPNP can change to the designated recipe number automatically. To
control the change recipe number flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then
ON again.
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if set D6 to 3 and set D5 or $20.0 to 1
simultaneously, the recipe number will become 3 (RCPNO=3). When D6 = 3, it
indicates that the designated recipe number is 3. When D5 = 1, it indicates that Bit 0 of
D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0001).
Read Recipe Flag Bit 1 reads the recipe data from PLC and stores the recipe data in the specified area of
HMI. To read and store the recipe data, specify the recipe number and turn this flag to
be ON. To control the read recipe flag again, this flag must be turned OFF and then ON
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if the designated recipe number is 4 (RCPNO=4),
set D5 to 2 or $20.1 to 1 and the recipe data saved in PLC will be read and stored in
the 4th recipe register. The original data saved in the 4th recipe register will be
updated as well. When D5 = 2, it indicates that Bit 1 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0010).
Write Recipe Flag Bit 2 write the recipe data from HMI into PLC. To write the recipe data, specify the
recipe number and turn this flag to be ON. To control the write recipe flag again, this
flag must be turned OFF and then ON again.
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if the designated recipe number is 2 (RCPNO=2),
set D5 to 4 or $20.2 to 1 and the recipe data saved in HMI will be written into the PLC
register immediately. The original data saved in the PLC register will be updated as
well. When D5 = 4, Bit 2 of D5 is 1(0000 0000 0000 0100).
Change Recipe Group Number
To change the recipe group number, the user can use Recipe Group Register RCPG
directly or use this flag. To specify the recipe group number, write the recipe group
number into the Designate Recipe Group Number Register (Bits 8 to 15) and then turn
ON this flag. After the above settings, when HMI detects the change recipe group
number flag, it will change the value of RCPG and change recipe group number
automatically. To control the change recipe group number flag again, this flag must
be turned OFF and then ON again.
For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if set D5 to 520 or set$20.3 and $20.9 to 1
simultaneously, the recipe group number will become 2 (RCPG=2). When D5 = 520, it
indicates that Bit 3 and Bit 9 of D5 are both 1(0000 0010 0000 1000).
Revision May, 2010 3-33