Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
3.3 Internal Memory There are six kinds of registers for selection. They are internal register $, Non-volatile Internal
Register $M, Indirect Address Register *$, Recipe Number Register RCPNO, Recipe Group
Register RCPG and Recipe Register RCP (Fig. 3-3-1). For more details on settings, please refer to
the following descriptions.
Fig. 3-3-1 HMI Internal Memory
3.3.1 Internal Register (Read / Write) : $
Word Access : $n ( n : 0-65535 )
Bit Access : $n.b( n : 0-65535, b : 0-15 )
Delta DOP-B series HMI provides 65536 16-bit internal registers ($0.0 - $65535.15).
Note: The setting values of this register are not retained when power is off.
Non-volatile Internal Register (R/W): $M
Word access: $Mn (n: 0~1023)
Bit access: $Mn.b (n: 0~1023, b: 0~15)
Delta DOP series HMI provides 1024 16-bit non-volatile internal registers ($M0 ~ $M1023).
3.3.2 Non-volatile Internal Register (Read / Write) : $M
Word Access : $Mn ( n : 0-1023 )
Bit Access : $Mn.b( n : 0-1023, b : 0-15 )
Delta DOP-B series HMI provides 1024 16-bit non-volatile internal registers($M0.0 -
$M1023.15). As the setting values of this register are retained when power is off, the user
can use this register to store the important data or records.
Revision May, 2010 3-17