Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Fig. 3-5-8 Make Ext. Memory Data dialog box
3.5.7 Open Ext. Memory Data
To open the screen data, select File > Open Ext. Memory Data or press Ct rl+I. A dialog box
is displayed and the user selects the file that the user wants to open.
3.5.8 Password Protect
The user can enable and disable password protect function (Fig. 3-5-9 & Fig. 3-5-10) by
clicking File > Password protect. Once password protect function is enabled, the user will
get Fig. 3-5-9 dialog box and symbol before “Password Protect” command. If the
symbol shows before “Password Protect” command from File menu, it indicates that this dpb
file is password protected and the user will need to input password before opening dpb file.
The password is set by clicking Options > Configuration > General > Security) (Fig. 3-5-11).
If the password protect function is disabled, the Fig. 3-5-10 dialog box will show up.
Fig. 3-5-9 Password protect function is enabled
3-46 Revision May, 2010