Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Alarm Setup Dialog Box
The following Alarm Property Setup dialog box will display
after double clicking the row.
Message Display message when an alarm occurs.
Color Display message color when an alarm
Alarm Property
Use this option to determine if the Bit is
On or Off when an alarm occurs.
Alarm Property
Goto Screen Display screen when an alarm occurs.
Delete Delete the alarm message contents.
Modify Modify the alarm message contents. The user also can
double click the mouse to perform this function.
Import Import the Alarm Describe File into the alarm message
contents table.
Export Export the alarm message contents from HMI and convert
them to be Alarm Describe File.
OK End the editing of alarm message contents.
Alarm Setting
The calculation method of the size of the alarm history file is as follows:


BytesdBytescNbBytesaBytes Size File Actual626


a Time and Date Data
b Alarm Data
c Sampling Points
d Data File Symbol
If Max. Records is set to 100, and the time and date is recorded, the
required capacity for saving alarm data is:
[(6 Bytes + 2 Bytes) × 100] + 6 Bytes= 806 Bytes
If Max. Records is set to 100, and the time and date is not recorded, the
required capacity for saving alarm data is:
(2 Bytes × 100) + 6 Bytes = 206 Bytes
Revision May, 2010 3-239