Monitor and Control Functions - Web Only
Web Interface Only
The Web interface allows you to monitor and control the Liebert equipment where the Web card is installed, in addition to configuration capabilities presented in previous sections.
8.1Monitoring Liebert Equipment
To view monitoring data through the Web interface:
•Open the Web interface (if needed, see 3.5 - Open the Web Interface).
•Click on the Monitor tab if needed. This is always the opening view after connecting to the Web interface, as shown in the following example.
Monitor tab
Monitor Categories Click to view in right panel
•The top portion of the left panel displays information that appears on all pages:
•Agent Information - name, contact, location and description of the Liebert unit (as defined in 4.0 - System Information)
•Device Status - current status of the Liebert unit and whether any alarms are active (if so, the most recent alarm is listed)
•Monitor Categories appear at bottom left, organized with folder icons and showing the avail- able Monitoring functions.
•Click on a category to view parametric data in the right panel. The example above shows a graphic representation of the current state of a Liebert UPS. Other categories show data in table format. The information will vary according to the type of Liebert unit.
If any alarms are currently active, they are listed below the graphic in the opening window. Click on the Active Alarms category to view more details about any alarms that are active.