
See "printer driver" on page 461.


The part of the printer mechanism where the image is formed and transferred to paper.


See "printer emulation" on page 462.

FF (Form Feed)

A control code to break the page.

fixed-width font

A font whose characters are allotted the same amount of horizontal space, no matter the width of the character. Thus the uppercase M receives the same amount of space as the letter l.


A set of characters and symbols that share a common typographic design and style.

font family

The collection of all sizes and styles of a font.


A grayscale image that is composed of small dots. The dots can be close together to create black or more widely spaced to create gray or white areas in the image. Newspaper photographs are common examples of halftones.


The act of returning the printer to its defaults (fixed set of conditions).


The connection between the printer and the computer. A parallel interface transmits data one character or code at a time, while a serial interface transmits data one bit at a time.


Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation gives you a page that is wider than it is high and is useful for printing spreadsheets.

LF (Line Feed)

A control code to start a new line.
