Choosing a Font

After you choose the font source, you choose the font by number based on the font source option selected above. Only fonts that match the current orientation setting can be selected. If you change the SYMSET or ORIENT settings, the available font numbers may change. To save a selected font as the default font, use the SAVE MACRO option in the Level 1 SYSTEM CONFIG menu.

LQ and FX emulation modesWhen you use either the LQ or FX emulation mode, the FONT option display shows:FONT Courier*Courier Prestige


The factory setting is Courier. After selecting the desired font, you can adjust the character spacing and size of the font with the PITCH and CONDENSED settings in the SUB CONFIG option.

Note: Resident and optional fonts specifically designed for the HP emulation mode cannot be used in the LQ or FX modes.

SelecType 4-35