Loading Multipart Forms
You can use carbonless multipart forms of up to five parts (four copies in addition to the original). Make sure you set the paper thickness lever to the proper position based on the number of layers in your form.
For best results with thick paper, such as multipart forms, select a straight or almost straight paper path. It is best to load multipart forms using the front or bottom slot and the pull tractor.
Except for setting the paper thickness lever, you load multipart forms the same way you load ordinary continuous paper. For details, see the sections on loading continuous paper earlier in this chapter.
❏Be sure your multipart forms do not exceed 0.39 mm (0.015 inch) in thickness for the printable area and 0.76 mm (0.030 inch) for the perforated edges.
❏Do not load paper that is damaged, curled, or wrinkled.
❏If you are using crimp bound paper, be sure the protruding side of the crimp faces away from the print head when you print. Hitting the crimp protrusion with print head could severely damage the print head.