Contacts (Phone Book)

Contacts (Phone Book)

You can store your most frequently used numbers in Contacts (Dialog 4425 v.2) or in PhoneBook (Dialog 4425 v.1) locally in your phone. The Contacts (PhoneBook) can be stored centrally on a server. For details please ask your system administrator.

There are a number of ways to add numbers and names into your phone:

1Enter the name and number by using the digits 0-9 on the keypad, in the same way as with a mobile phone.

2Add an incoming call from the Call List into Contacts


3From a PC browse into the phone using a standard web browser and enter the name and number.

See section “Web Server” on page 112.

4From the PC application “My Dialog 4000 Contacts” you can add your Microsoft® Outlook® contacts to Contacts in your phone (Dialog 4425 v. 2 phone only).

See section “Add Microsoft Outlook Contacts” on page 110.

ÇSelect the Contacts (PhoneBook) tab with the Navigation keys (see display).

The Contacts (PhoneBook) menu is displayed.

Settings CallList Contacts CorpDirectory Web

Dial name




ExitF E


BusinessPhone – Ericsson Dialog 4425 IP Vision


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Image 69
Ericsson Dialog 4425 manual Contacts Phone Book, Add an incoming call from the Call List into Contacts