Page Code: | 3Dh, 3Eh |
The page code specifies which mode page(s) to return. Mode page code usage is defined in Table 3.68.
Table 3.68 Supported Mode Page Code
Page Code | Description |
00h | Ignored (Vendor specific) |
01h - 3Eh | Reserved |
3Dh | Lamp Timer |
3Eh | Job Separation Sheet |
3Fh | Return all mode pages |
An initiator may request the supported mode page from a target. If an initiator issues a MODE SENSE command with a page code value not implemented by the target, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status and shall set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST and the additional sense code to INVALID FIELD IN CDB.
Mode Parameter
The mode parameter list shown in Table 3.69 contains a header, followed by zero or more block descriptors, followed by zero or more
Table 3.69 Mode Parameter List
Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 | 1 | 0 |
Byte |
| |||
0 - n |
| Mode Parameter Header |
| ||||||
| |
0 - n |
| Block Descriptor(s) |
| ||||
0 - n |
| Page(s) |
| ||
Block Descriptor is optional and it is not defined for Scanner Device. This scanner omitts this field.
M3099GX/GH OEM Manual |