01b(Table 3.79)

DIRS field specifies direction of Endorser String. This scanner supports 01b only.

Table 3.79 DIRS

Value Description

00b Left to Right

01b Upper to Lower

10b Right to Left

11b Lower to Upper

Endorser String Length: net 20( “%%” is considered as 1 character)

Endorser String Length field specifies length of Endorser String to be followed in bytes. The Endorser String Length field forms pascal string in conjunction with Endorser String. The Endorser String Length of zero is not considered as error. The maximum printable string length in this scanner is 20 columns including endorser counter value. This scanner supports, only “%05ud” for endorser counter format. This field can be exceeded 20 because of “%%” is two characters but it is recognized “%” as one character.

Endorser Strings field specifies Endorser Strings to be printed. Alpha-numeric(ASCII code 20h to 7Fh) and Endorser counter is available. This field uses C-language printf syntax. Only one numerical argument is available and any escape sequences are not available(ex. “Number of Page %05ud”[20column]). Endorser counter is used as numerical argument implicitly.


M3099GX/GH OEM Manual