The message system allows communication between an initiator and |
target for the purpose of interface management. A message may be |
one, two, or multiple bytes in length. One or more messages may be |
sent during a single MESSAGE phase, but a message may not be |
split over MESSAGE phase. The initiator is required to end the |
MESSAGE OUT phase (by negating ATN) when it sends certain |
messages identified in Table 3.82. | INTERFACE |
One byte, Two byte, and extended message formats are defined. The |
| |
first byte of the message determines the format as defined in Table |
3.82. |
Table 3.82 Message Format
Value | Message Format |
00h | One Byte Message (COMMAND COMPLETE) |
01h | Extended Messages |
02h to 1Fh | |
20h to 2Fh | |
30h to 7Fh | Reserved |
80h to FFh |
M3099GX/GH OEM Manual |