Implemented Vendor Specific Command:
CXh = 0000h, DXh = 0000h, EXh = 0000h, FXh = 0000h (without ENDORSER)
CXh = 0002h, DXh = 0000h, EXh = 0000h, FXh = 0000h (with ENDORSER)
Implemented Vendor Specific Command field indicates vendor specific command implemented by the scanner. This field consists of 4 sets of 2 bytes structure as Table 3.19. Each bit position in these fields indicates lower 4 bits of the command code.
Implemented Vendor Specific Command field is subdivided to CXh, DXh, EXh, FXh as Table 3.20.
Table 3.19 2 bytes structure
Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Byte |
0 | bit 15 | bit 14 | bit 13 | bit 12 | bit 11 | bit 10 | bit 9 | bit 8 |
1 | bit 7 | bit 6 | bit 5 | bit 4 | bit 3 | bit 2 | bit 1 | bit 0 |
Table 3.20 Implemented Vendor Specific Command
Bytes Description
42, 43 Vendor Specific Command field - CXh
44, 45 Vendor Specific Command field - DXh
46, 47 Vendor Specific Command field - EXh
48, 49 Vendor Specific Command field - FXh
Table 3.21 Implemented Vendor Specific Command
Field&Bit | Command | Code |
CXh 0 | SET SUBWINDOW | C0h | V |
1 | ENDORSER | C1h | V |
DXh |
EXh |
FXh |
M3099GX/GH OEM Manual |