The peripheral qualifier and peripheral device type fields identify the device currently connected to the logical unit. If the target is not capable of supporting a device on this logical unit, this field shall be set to 7Fh (peripheral qualifier set to 011b and peripheral device type set to 1Fh).

Peripheral Qualifier:


Peripheral Device Type:

06h(Scanner Device)

RMB(Removable Medium Bit): 0b(not supported).

Device Type Modifier:

0000000b(not supported)

ISO Version:

00b(does not claim compliance


with ISO)

ECMA Version:

000b(does not claim compliance


with ECMA)

ANSI Approved Version:

2h(SCSI-2, if approved)

AENC(Asynchronous Event Notification Capability): 0b(Reserved)

TrmIOP(Terminate I/O Process):

0b(not supported. see ANSI SCSI- 2 5.6.22)

Response Data Format:

2h(INQUIRY Data Format is


defined in SCSI-2)

Additional Length:


This field shall specify the length in bytes of the parameters. If the allocation length of the command descriptor block is too small to transfer all of the parameters, the additional length shall not be adjusted to reflect the truncation.

RelAdr(Relative Addressing):

0b(not supported)

Wbus32(Wide Bus 32):

0b(not supported)

Wbus16(Wide Bus 16):

0b(not supported)

Sync(Synchronous Transfer):

1b(synchronous transfer supported)

Linked(Linked Command):

0b(not supported)

CmdQue(Command Queuing):

0b(not supported)

SftRe(Soft Reset):

0b(Hard Reset)

Vendor Identification:



M3099GX/GH OEM Manual