Brightness Step:

FFh(255 steps)

Brightness Step field indicates available steps of the Brightness. If zero is pecified, Brightness Control is not supported.

Threshold Step:

FFh(255 steps)

Threshold Step field indicates available steps of the Threshold. If zero is pecified, Threshold Control is not supported.

Contrast Step:

FFh(255 steps)

Contrast Step field indicates available steps of the Contrast. If zero is pecified, Contrast Control is not supported.

Number of Resident Dither:

0100xxxxb(4 patterns)

Number of Resident Dither field indicates number of resident Dither patterns in 4 bits. If zero is specified no dither pattern is available.

Number of Registerable Dither: xxxx1000b(8 patterns)

Number of Registerable Dither field indicates registrable dither patterns in 4 bits. If zero is specified no dither pattern is registrable.

Number of Resident Gamma Function: 0100xxxxb(4 patterns)

Number of Resident Gamma Function field indicates number of resident gamma functions in 4 bits. If zero is specified no gamma function is available.

Number of Registrable Gamma Function: xxxx1000b(8 patterns)

Number of Registrable Gamma Function field indicates registrable gamma functions in 4 bits. If zero is specified no gamma function is registrable.


M3099GX/GH OEM Manual