
Possible Cause

Possible Solutions




Audio Problems

There is no sound coming from the built-in speakers.

The volume is turned

Adjust the volume control on your notebook and operating system.

too low.

Use the [Fn+F9] key combination on your keyboard. Pressing [F9]


repeatedly while holding [Fn] will increase the volume of your





The software volume

Manually adjusting the volume (i.e., using the Volume button or

control is set too low.

keyboard "hot keys") should dynamically adjust the volume of the


operating (see above). If that doesn’t work, adjust the sound vol-


ume control settings in your software or application.



Headphones are

Plugging in headphones disables the built-in speakers. Remove

plugged into your

the headphones.





Software driver is not

The Audio Driver may be installed or reinstalled by using the

configured correctly.

Drivers and Applications CD that came with your LifeBook. Refer


to your application and operating system documentation for help.



The speakers have

Click on the Volume icon in the tool tray on the bottom right of

been muted using the

the screen. (It looks like a speaker). If the Mute box is checked,

Volume icon in the sys-

click on it to uncheck it. Pressing the [F3] key while holding the

tem tray.

[Fn] key will also toggle the audio on and off.



Optical Drive Problems

LifeBook notebook fails to recognize DVD/CD- RW/CD-ROM’s.

The disc is not pushed

Open optical drive tray and re-install the disc properly.

down onto raised center


circle of the drive.




Optical drive tray is not

Push on the front of the optical drive tray until it latches. If that

latched shut.

doesn’t work, pull out the modular drive latch to remove the device


from the bay, then re-insert the drive until it latched; this ensures


that the drive is properly seated.



DVD Player software

Install DVD Player software. (See “Using the Optical Player Soft-

not installed properly.

ware” on page 60 for more information.)



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Fujitsu Siemens Computers N6470 manual Problem Possible Cause Possible Solutions Audio Problems, Optical Drive Problems